
Implementation Arrangements

The overall project implementation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Mahaweli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development (MMAIRD). The project will draw expertise from the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Department of Agrarian Development (DAD), and Irrigation Department (ID) and acquire outside expertise, including consulting services. The project will coordinate across departments, agencies, and strategic partners involved in the implementation of project activities.

The day-to-day management and operation of the project are the responsibility of the PMU, headed by a Project Director (PD) and provincial-level DPD’s offices.. Specifically, the Project Management Unit (PMU) under the MMAIRD engage in core functions such as procurement, financial management (FM), and safeguards. The PMU is responsible for ensuring that (a) all project activities are planned, financed, and implemented according to the project annual work program and budget; (b) project implementation is in line with the Project Implementation Plan (PIP); (c) project procurement and Financial Management (FM) activities are carried out on time according to the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations, the project fiduciary manuals of the PIP, and the PP; and (d) social and environmental safeguards applicable to the project are fully complied with. The PMU is also responsible for monitoring project activities, preparing the quarterly and annual project progress reports, and ensuring that all reports (including financial reports) are submitted to the World Bank on time.

The overall project oversight is the responsibility of the National Project Steering Committee (NPSC), established in the MMAIRD. and chaired by its Secretary. The main responsibility of the NPSC is to provide strategic guidance for the implementation of the project and to act as the interface between the central and provincial institutions. The NPSC will also approve the annual work program and budget for the project, endorse the working arrangements with strategic partners, and be briefed by the World Bank (and the PD) on the outcomes of implementation support and review missions carried out with the World Bank team at least biannually.
